Thursday, July 21, 2011

This Is For You

I believe that I am going thru what may seem like hell right now.. Pain, struggles, tears, heartache, discomfort, and so many other mixed emotions... But God is telling me, " Im not doing this so that you feel hurt, But to have you increase your faith in ME." So often I think that God is being the "bad guy" and that is not the case at all! He only wants me to rely on His Word; His Way! So today, I will not worry! I will smile knowing that God is going to take care of everything! And if I do decide to shed some tears, they will be tears of joy because I know that God IS!!

Speak It

Todays Words of Encouragement: How often is it that we tell ourselves, "I can't do this".. Too much right. Not even knowing that we are speaking it into existence that we can't do it! There's power in the tongue! When we speak, we believe, therefore we CAN DO! Speak it!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Todays Words of Encouragement: Storms, we hate them! They seem to ruin everything! We often refer to our "problems" as storms. But what if we looked at this drenching of rain as cleansing for our spirit! A new way to embrace God! A stormy day doesn't mean you can't enjoy it the same as a sunny one!